#VintagePledge Stash Interview: EM Originals

If 1940s style is your thing, then you probably know Eszter from her blog - Kitty's Designs - which

Fabric Friday #11: Poppy-print Barkcloth

Happy #FabricFriday friends! I have the day off today and I plan on finishing painting my 1950s

Love Sewing Magazine Has A New Editor!

There's a brand new Editor at Love Sewing magazine who barely needs an introduction because

The Refashioners 2015 Meets #VintagePledge

It's back, it's back! The Refashioners is back for 2015 with exciting shirt refashions

Fabric Friday #10: Bunny-print Jersey

Happy #FabricFriday friends...even if Friday is almost over! It's seemed like a long week this

Repurposing A Wooden Pallet

Hello friends, how are you? Sewing progress has been pretty slow around these parts lately and

July #VintagePledge Roundup

A day later than scheduled I'm afraid, but behold your Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge roundup for