Home Improvements #2 - The Dining Room

Phew! Never have I felt so grateful for a Grace Day -the extra day after a Bank Holiday that my

Chintzy Floral Lilou Dress

You caught a cheeky little glimpse of her at Tilly's book launch and I'm now excited to show

Busy little Craftsy blogging bee!

Hi friends, what are you working on at the moment? I've been feeling the pressure lately with mounting

Love at First Stitch - A Review

Following on from yesterday's post, today I'm actually sharing a glimpse of Love at First Stitch

Love At First Stitch - The Book Launch

Last night I was very privileged to attend the launch of Love at First Stitch, the widely anticipated

Tasha at By Gum, By Golly shares her passion for stitching vintage!

Friends, I'm so giddy about today's guest post from Tasha over at By Gum, By Golly! Tasha is a self-confessed

#vintagepledge - A Feature and a Round-up

Hello friends, I hope you've enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend if you're in England! I wish