Me-Made-May '12

"I, Marie of A Sewing Odyssey, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to wear a self-made accessory or item of clothing for at least three days a week for the duration of May 2012."

So I met up with some awesome sewing bloggers in Walthamstow today (more on that tomorrow) and after some bullying encouragement from Zoe, I decided to join Me-Made-May '12 – the only official month of its kind taking place this year! I'm breaking myself in gently as I don't think I have enough self-made clothes that I actually wear to see me through an entire month...but here's hoping I exceed my expectations. I'm very excited to take part as I've always loved seeing people's outfit posts and daydreaming of one day joining in!

Just pop along over to So, Zo...What do you know? if you want to find out more about the challenge and to sign up.

Are you in?


  1. I am also doing this! I don't have enough for something new everyday so there will be lots of repeats but I really want to try too!

    1. It's be an experience for us both and will hopefully highlight gaps in our wardrobes etc ;o)

  2. Yep, I'm in too. Am sure you'll surprise yourself with your outfits and be able to do a whole month no problem, you've made lots of lovely things!

    1. Most of the things I've made end up in the 'to-never-wear-pile' for one reason or another! But I'll do my best and see what happens ;o)

  3. Woop go Marie :) I bet you have more me-mades than you realise...!

    1. Thanks Kat! You'll be joining in next year for sure!

  4. I am - lol I'm also doing the three days a week thing, but even then, there will be much reusing....I'd better get sewing!!!

    How odd, it won't publish when I log in under Wordpress.....Grrr (it's not just this joournal, it'a quite a few of them!)

    1. Haha, another fellow 3-day person. I think for my first MMM, it will be more than enough!

      Sorry to hear you're having problems commenting...hope it's all sorted now?

  5. I'll be taking part too, for the first time ever :) Still need to make my pledge!

    1. First time for me too Suzy...we'll have to encourage each other ;o)

  6. I was totally NOT bullying! You'll give me a bad rep chica! So glad you're on board. May I remind you that you just managed a flawless self-stitched week for the OWOP! project?! You'll be fine and hopefully have heaps of fun


    1. Hehe...sorry for slandering your name...was only kidding of course! I'm really excited to take part, even only if it highlights gaps, etc! xx

  7. I need to sign up. I am still deciding how I want to do it: 3 days, 4 days, yes or no to refashioned clothes, etc.

    Looking forward to your outfits!

  8. I'm a first timer too! I found your blog through Tilly's OWOP roundup, and I love your Renfrew's. Very inspiring as I don't have a lot of practical me-mades, which is going to make the challenge, err, challenging! I was tempted to do 4 days a week but my husband pressured me into the full week, hahaha.
