The sweet smell of felt roses

I was taught how to make felt roses (out of shrunken wool jumpers) on Tuesday. They're unbelievably easy to make, yet they look so impressive and intricate. I'm now getting carried away with thoughts of what I can decorate with them...clothes, bags, hats, headbands...the list is endless.

Below is my first and only attempt to date. Watch this space though, I feel a bouquet coming on! 

Sadly, I've not got any further with Vogue 5510. Part of this was due to work, social commitments and a job interview (which hasn't led to a new job) and part of this was due to sewer's block. In my head I over complicated this dress, but luckily my sewing tutor gave me some advice on Tuesday and I feel much more confident again. I will slave over it this weekend, so hopefully it won't be too much longer before it's complete.


  1. Really pretty! Will you share how you made them? :)

  2. Marie, it's beautiful xx

  3. Of course I'll share how I made it! Let me get my act together and I can do a shot-by-shot tutorial ;o)

  4. Yay! I look forward to it :)

  5. How fabulous! They do look intricate and beautiful! Yes, please do a tutorial! Good luck with your Vogue :)
